all postcodes in CB23 / CAMBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB23 7AB 37 0 52.176984 0.059673
CB23 7AD 10 0 52.176618 0.05622
CB23 7AE 26 0 52.173753 0.044651
CB23 7AG 12 1 52.175205 0.055495
CB23 7AJ 2 2 52.186589 0.038363
CB23 7AL 5 0 52.179575 0.061929
CB23 7AQ 10 0 52.178757 0.060897
CB23 7AW 2 2 52.177829 0.062286
CB23 7AR 29 1 52.181777 0.067354
CB23 7AS 1 1 52.186652 0.070625
CB23 7AT 3 0 52.19061 0.075695
CB23 7AU 3 0 52.192861 0.079063
CB23 7AX 23 0 52.180765 0.067426
CB23 7EY 15 15 52.181736 0.059191
CB23 7AY 16 0 52.183401 0.059122
CB23 7AZ 46 0 52.184116 0.059872
CB23 7BA 37 4 52.183372 0.052244
CB23 7BB 4 0 52.183915 0.053368
CB23 7BD 7 1 52.182157 0.057221
CB23 7BE 2 0 52.181412 0.057376